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We are the Michigan Nurses Association.

MNA is the largest union and professional association for registered nurses and healthcare professionals in Michigan. We are an affiliate of National Nurses United and AFL-CIO.

About Us


Continuing Education Credits

Our continuing education (CE) modules include all of the Michigan required topics such as human trafficking, implicit bias and pain. CE modules are always free for members.

Learn More


Protect Patients, Protect Your License

Object to an assignment

If you believe a patient care assignment is unsafe, or potentially unsafe, click here to fill out an Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) Form. 

Fill Out an ADO Form

Practice Resources

Practice resources for nurses and healthcare professionals, licensure renewal information, student resources, information on professional & legal regulations, continuing education modules and more.

Explore Practice Resources

Weingarten Rights

When to call in a union rep

You and other union members have a set of very important legal rights in the workplace called Weingarten Rights. These rights help you protect your license and your employment.

Know Your Rights

Members in Action

Organize Your Workplace

By unionizing, MNA members have a say in the care they provide and their working conditions. Your union voice helps create a safer environment for nurses and healthcare professionals and improved quality of care for your patients.