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Join MNA

Become a member today!

MNA makes it possible for registered nurses and healthcare professionals to speak with ONE STRONG VOICE to address the practice, professional, and political issues that affect us on a daily basis. As a member of the Michigan Nurses Association, you’re part of the largest and most effective union and professional association for registered nurses and healthcare professionals in Michigan! 

Union Membership

Being an active member of your union is one of the most effective ways to improve your working conditions and protect your patients. Support for a strong contract starts with union membership. If your workplace is organized as part of the Michigan Nurses Association, this is the application that you need.

Online Membership Application

Other Memberships

Associate membership: For registered nurses not represented by MNA for collective bargaining or healthcare professionals previously represented by MNA.  The membership fee is $75 annually.

Retired membership: For registered nurses who are retired or retired healthcare professionals previously represented by MNA in an LBU. There is a one-time $25 membership fee.

Lifetime membership: For MNA members who are 62 or older and have been a member of MNA for a total of 30 years or are retired from an LBU with 15 years or more of LBU membership. Membership is free.

Fill out the application and make your payment online here.

Other Membership Application

Graduate Nursing Student Offer

A graduation gift for you! All RNs who have graduated in the past year, passed the NCLEX-RN exam and received their Michigan license number will receive a free 1-year associate membership* ($75 value)! You’ll enjoy a subscription to the Michigan Nurse magazine and free CE opportunities. To take advantage of this free offer, submit the form below. You will receive a membership card and more information in the mail within approximately 4-6 weeks. Welcome to MNA!

*Associate members are nurses not represented by MNA for collective bargaining or healthcare professionals previously represented by MNA.

Student Application