Leadership / MNA Structure
MNA is a member-driven organization! State-level leaders are elected by the MNA House of Delegates or appointed by the MNA Board of Directors.

Elected offices

The House of Delegates is the governing and official voting body of MNA. It is composed of the MNA Board of Directors and elected accredited delegates from MNA Local Bargaining Units.
The Board of Directors is the corporate body elected by the MNA House of Delegates to oversee the Association’s priorities and affairs in the intervals between the House’s annual meetings.
The Impartial Committee investigates complaints and recommends action against members in violation of Association bylaws or policies.
The Nominations Committee develops the slate of candidates for elective offices for all elected MNA committees and serves as the Awards committee.
Appointed positions
To apply for a council or committee, fill out this form.
- The Bylaws Committee oversees changes to MNA bylaws, standing rules and procedures.
- The CE Provider Unit oversees MNA’s provider status of continuing education.
- The Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Competency Committee develops and sustains initiatives related to the promotion of diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency.
- The Finance Committee advises the Board of Directors and provides leadership in the management of MNA’s financial resources.
- The Michigan Nurses Association-Political Action Committee (MNA-PAC)endorses political candidates, makes contributions to political campaigns out of designated funds, and educates nurses about political action. It is nonpartisan.
- The Resolution Committee oversees the formal process for proposal submission to the House of Delegates.
Councils are organized bodies that have specific responsibilities related to fulfilling the function and goals of MNA.
- The Council on Workplace Health & Safety reviews and reports on emerging trends and issues related to workplace health and safety.
- The Council on Clinical Nursing Practice, Advocacy, and Education identifies practice issues impacting the nursing community which need to be addressed through education, policy legislation or position statement.
- The Council on Legislation and Public Policy develops public policy and legislative initiatives related to MNA’s legislative platform; and analyzes public policies and proposed legislation.
- The Retirement Council educates and mobilizes retired nurses on issues that affect both working and retired nurses.