Practice Resources for Nurses

Clinical News

Free CE from Emory University

In early 1973, the Michigan Chemical Company (Velsicol) accidentally shipped polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), a fire-retardant chemical, to the Farm Bureau instead of magnesium oxide, a nutritional supplement. This chemical was distributed to farmers mainly near the St. Louis- Alma area which as a result was most impacted by the health effects of the chemical. The PBB was mixed into livestock feed and consumed by cattle, pigs, and chickens, which were later consumed by humans. Contaminated farm products were distributed throughout the state until the accident was discovered about a year later. The complete fact sheet for healthcare providers can be found here:

MDHHS conducted a registry of those with known exposure and then transferred that registry to Emory University in the early 2010’s. Emory has created the 2.0 contact hours continuing education module listed below for anyone interested in learning more about this disaster, the impact on humans, and current interventions for generational health effects. It is free to all nurses and other healthcare providers and is available here:

You must register using the above link and please note that the certificates will be issued by the Emory Professional Development Center and not MNA.

COVID-19 updates

Measles: What’s new and updated


DEI Health Care Resources

Self-Care Resources For Health Care Workers

Michigan and National Mental Health Resources

Legal and licensure Resources 

Substance Misuse / Chemical Dependency in Michigan Healthcare Professionals:

For concerns about any healthcare individual needing support to recover from substance misuse or chemical dependency, please visit the Michigan Health Profession Recovery Program website. The HPRP is a confidential, non-disciplinary program designed to assist licensed or registered health professionals recover from substance abuse/chemical dependency problems or a mental health problem. The toll-free number for the HPRP is 800-453-3784. Click here for more information on the Health Professional Recovery Program.  There are also a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the HPRP in Michigan.

Malpractice: What are some common areas for malpractice concerns for nurses?

  • Failing to properly monitor a patient and missing a change in their vital signs.
  • Failing to respond to a patient in a timely manner.
  • Failing to call a physician for assistance, when needed.
  • Failing to update a patient’s chart with any changes in his or her progress.

Article: Protecting yourself from malpractice claims

Article: 8 Pros and Cons of Nurse Malpractice Insurance By: Jennifer Schlette MSN, RN

I want to volunteer my healthcare expertise. How can I help?

Michigan Medical Volunteer

National Nurses United’s RN Volunteer Program

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